Terpilih sudah 20 pemain NBL All-Star 2012..
Skuad Red
All-Star: Yanuar D Priasmoro (BS), Dimaz Muharri, Rachmad Febri U, A
Indrajaya (CLS), Vinton Nolland (GSB), Ryan Febriyan (GMC), Galank G,
Arki D Wisnu, Ronaldo Sitepu, Vamiga M (SM)
Skuad Blue All-Star: Fandi Andika Ramadhani, Mario Gerungan, Pringgo Regowo, Muhammad Isman Thoyib (ASP), Kelly Purwanto, Andy Poedjakesuma (PJ), Dian H, Ary Sapto (MUBA), Respati Ragil (SWA), Richardo O Uneputty (BSC)
Event NBL All-Star diadakan di 2 tempat:
June 27th.. C-Tra Arena, Jl Cikutra Bandung
June 30th.. DBL Arena, Jl A Yani 88 Surabaya
Ticket Price:
EARLY BIRD (Pre-Sale ticket available on June 4th)
Regular seat (Tribune) Rp. 50.000,-
Regular seat (Tribune) Rp. 75.000,-
VIP seat (Court Side)* Rp. 500.000,-
* available on June 27th and 30th
Info reservasi ticket, hubungi: BANDUNG (022) 61044887 / SURABAYA (031) 72910008
C'mon PACMAN, let's RAWKK the 1st NBL All Star 2012 \(^.^)/